Why test my links?
How does it work?
What's the cost?
Where's the catch?
What is a 404 response?
What is a 500 response?
©2002,2003 2bone.com |
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Why test my links?
If you have a Web site, you should know that it's important to keep it up to date. It can be difficult to get traffic to your site in the first place, and once you have them, obviously, you want to keep them coming back to your site.
One of the things that will 'turn off' a visitor to your site is 'broken links'. A broken link gives the impression that you're not taking care of your site, much like a broken window in a hotel would discourage visitors.
It's about keeping up appearances.
Obviously, you probably don't control all of the web sites that you're linking to, so when a link 'breaks', it's often not your fault... but it makes you look bad regardless.
The best way to avoid this problem is to check those links on a regular basis, just like you'd change the oil in your car's engine regularly to prevent problems.
2bone's LinkChecker let's you do this with a minimum of effort.
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How does it work?
The LinkChecker will scan the URL of the page that you input, and find any links to other sites.
Next it will check each of those links to see if they're still 'good' active links, and then report the findings back to you. All you had to do was enter the URL and press the button.
Pretty simple, huh? |
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What's the cost?
Zero. Free. Nada. Zilch.
Use of the single page LinkChecker is free (unless you're a 'bot', in which case you might not be able to use it for very long). |
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Where's the catch?
There is no catch.
This is a free service for Web site owners to periodically check their pages and ensure that they do not have any broken links.
In the future, we will add a subscription based service that will check all of your pages for you on a regular basis and notify you of any problems. The single page LinkChecker will remain free as long as it is not abused.
In the event that we find that this service is being abused by anybody, we may simply ban them so that others may continue to use it. |
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What is a 404 response?
When you receive a '404' response, it means that the Web server cannot find the page that has been requested. This can mean that the page is gone, or that you're asking the wrong way.
Check your link to make sure that it has been entered correctly - that you've not made any typing errors. For example,'page.htm' and 'page.html' are two different things.
Check your spelling - all computers, including Web servers, are usually very fussy! |
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What is a 500 response?
When a web server returns a '500' response, it means that there was a 'Server Error' while trying to process your request.
This will normally happen when you are trying to access a page that is dynamically generated by a 'script', and there is something wrong with the script itself.
This doesn't mean that the page is gone, but you might want to try again later, or make sure that both the script and your link are correct. |
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