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Working in the downtown core is nice. Traveling an hour + to get home is not. Besides, I usually miss the bus that takes me up that last hill... which means doing some streethiking at the end of my day. Hmmm.... gotta move closer to work. (insert pitiful plea for help here...)

I have a planned moving date of October 31... but no place to go to yet. So here's the ad:

Mostly normal, sort of mature, pretty much grown-up very straight, usually quiet, almost neat, male is looking for either a place of his own, or one that he can share. If sharing, the potential roomie (male or female) should also have most of the above traits. We can talk about which ones later...

Essential: mutual respect, english language and you can speak up when you have a concern about... whatever.

I'm looking for something reasonable (who isn't?) within walking distance of transit... the closer to downtown, the better.

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