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  Web site hosting FAQ > preamble

So you're going to build a Web site, and you need to find a place to put it?
If this is a new experience for you, chances are that you might have a bunch of questions, like:

  • Do I really need to pay for hosting?
  • How much space do I need?
  • Is 5 bucks a month a good deal?
  • I'm should use the "XYZ" company, because they're a 'brand name' company, right?
  • Is there really any difference between hosting companies?
  • Windows NT or Unix?
  • Who should I avoid?
  • Any recommendations?

These are all very common questions. How do I know? Well... as a part of my 'day job', I deal with anywhere from 2 to 4 Web hosting companies each day. That's up to 20 different Web hosting companies every single week.

"So what are you", you say, "a salesman?"

No, actually I spend my days helping Web site designers fix certain parts of their Web sites. This requires me to deal with a wide variety of hosting companies, and they don't know me -- I'm like the 'mystery' person that anonymously visits restaurants and then writes a review on the food, and the service!

I am by no means an expert! I've just been fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have had a lot of experience dealing with various hosts - and now I'm going to share it with you.

Okay, enough with the preamble... on to questions and answers... next page >>>

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