2bone Web Design and CGI programming.
Perl CGI Programming for Small Business sites.   Check your links at 2bone.com
  Link Checker - We need your help!  

  The Links.
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  LinkChecker News

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  The LinkChecker

  Linkchecker FAQ's
  » Why test my links?
  » How does it work?
  » What's the cost?
  » Where's the catch?
  » What is a 404 response?   
  » What is a 500 response?   

Like the LinkChecker?
If you use it often, please consider donating a few dollars to help us continue to add new features.

Link Checker feedback request.   please take a moment to help us out?

Won't you please help us?  [added 08/14/2003]
Okay, so you have used the Link Checker.
We sincerely hope that you found it useful.
We would really appreciate it if you could do even one (okay, maybe two or three) of the following for us:
  1. Rate the link checker at the site that referred you
    • Hotscripts.com rate it here
    • ScriptSearch.com rate it here
    • Scriptz.com rate it here

  2. Or... Write a review of the Link Checker at the site that referred you.
    Why? We're pretty confident that most users have good things to say about our free Link Checker, and we would really appreciate some help in spreading the word. Reviews and testimonials are very powerful.

  3. Or... send us some feedback just click here. We're always looking to improve our scripts, so we really appreciate hearing from our users. As an added incentive, we're going to publish the feedback online, and will include a link to your site... all you have to do is take 2 or 3 minutes to send us a message!

  4. Or... Consider placing one of our buttons or a link to the link checker on YOUR site.
    You can find copy and paste link code here.

Thanks again for using the Link Checker!

Look for new features coming soon!
  Email reports, image checking, reminder service, auto-checking buttons etc.
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