Top level domains (TLD)
Most people are familiar with the term "dot com", which refers to the 'com' TLD. Occasionally you will hear about a few other TLD's such as '.tv' or '.info', but did you know that there are many, many other TLD's?
These pages contain a list of the 'Generic' TLD's, as well as the country code TLD's, including the country that the domain extension has been assigned to. |
Country |
Country |
A |
.ac |
Ascension Island |
.ad |
Andorra |
.ae |
United Arab Emirates |
.af |
Afghanistan |
.ag |
Antigua and Barbuda |
.ai |
Anguilla |
.al |
Albania |
.am |
Armenia |
.an |
Netherlands Antilles |
.ao |
Angola |
.aq |
Antarctica |
.ar |
Argentina |
.as |
American Samoa |
.at |
Austria |
.au |
Australia |
.aw |
Aruba |
B |
.ba |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
.bb |
Barbados |
.bd |
Bangladesh |
.be |
Belgium |
.bf |
Burkina Faso |
.bg |
Bulgaria |
.bh |
Bahrain |
.bi |
Burundi |
.bj |
Benin |
.bm |
Bermuda |
.bn |
Brunei Darussalam |
.bo |
Bolivia |
.br |
Brazil |
.bs |
Bahamas |
.bt |
Bhutan |
.bv |
Bouvet Island |
.bw |
Botswana |
.by |
Belarus |
.bz |
Belize |
C |
.ca |
Canada |
.cc |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
.cd |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
.cf |
Central African Republic |
.cg |
Republic of Congo |
.ch |
Switzerland |
.ci |
Cote d'Ivoire |
.ck |
Cook Islands |
.cl |
Chile |
.cm |
Cameroon |
.cn |
China |
.co |
Columbia |
.cr |
Costa Rica |
.cu |
Cuba |
.cv |
Cap Verde |
.cx |
Christmas Island |
.cy |
Cyprus |
.cz |
Czech Republic |